Engaging Conversations Through Collaborative Storytelling – Nick Tayer | The OC for Social Studies

OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies | Track Talk: Engaging conversations online and off

Engaging Conversations Through Collaborative Storytelling

Collaborative storytelling using Case Studies helps engage students in conversations of the past by hopefully putting them in a position where they are both asking the questions and answering them. The Case Method Institute provides a thorough training, as well as teaching plans focused on not just planning the lesson, but on planning the delivery method, even in a remote learning setting.

About Nick
Hi, I’m Nick. I used to teach people how to make explosives and now I teach kids about history.

OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies
August 5-7, 2020

We’re all exploring ways to ensure our students’ learning – and our own – continues to advance. Our new professional development conference for social studies can help meet those needs.

Website: https://ocforss.oerproject.com

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