Festive night in a dugout with a four-legged friend. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

#bushcraft #dugout #buildingadugout

Hello everyone, my name is Alexey and I live in Russia. Today, together with my four-legged friend named Pyosel, I came to the dugout. The dog, as always, gnaws sticks.
Today we will celebrate the new year 2023. First of all, I collect small branches to flood the stove.
Snow got under my dog’s clothes and I had to take off my dog’s vest to hang it up to dry. To keep him warm, I took out my sleeping bag and wrapped him up. Now he’s warm!
And I go for firewood. I collect fallen trees and never cut living trees, only dead ones. In order to make it easier to deliver the branches to the house, I use a sled, it is very convenient.
Unfortunately, my saw’s battery died because I forgot to charge it at home. But it’s okay, I managed to cut some firewood.
Today I put on a New Year’s sweater to cheer myself up and you. Next, I will hang a New Year’s garland and decorate a Christmas tree. I have a Christmas hat for myself and my dog, and I also hung a gift bag on the wall in case Santa Claus brings me gifts.
Today I will cook two dishes.
1. Baked potatoes with chicken in sour cream. 2. Salad called Olivier or Winter. This is a traditional Russian salad that is prepared for every New Year and Christmas. The recipe is simple: boiled potatoes, carrots and eggs. Naturally, I pre-washed everything at home. Add pickled cucumbers, sausage or ham, parsley, dill, green peas and mayonnaise to the cooked vegetables.
I dressed up my dog with a New Year’s hat and tinsel, he looks very beautiful. I also brought a treat for him so that he, too, would feel the holiday. This is dog pate.
My dishes are ready, it’s time to eat.
After eating, I decided to check the gift bag and it turned out to be not empty, Santa brought me gifts, sweets and tangerines, in Russia tangerines are considered an important attribute of the New Year’s table.
I switched the garland to quiet mode and went to bed.
In the morning I ate a salad, packed up and went home!
Thanks for watching, I wish you a happy new year and Merry Christmas! Hooray!

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