Lesson 37: World War I | WHP with Wood Boyles

Historians don’t agree on one definitive cause of the First World War. There were a lot of different factors at play. Perhaps the most common explanation was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But other historians point to deeper, systemic factors that led the world to war, such as alliance systems, nationalism, and imperialism. And still other historians argue that the war was an accident of catastrophic proportions.

WHP with Wood Boyles: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/whp-with-wood-boyles/
WHP on Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/whp-origins


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To support your high school students at home, experienced World History Project teacher Wood Boyles will guide students daily through the World History Project. He will provide content recommendations, along with a Word of the Day and guiding questions to frame each day’s content.

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