The Isolated China Myth – Sharon Cohen | The OC for Social Studies

OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies | Track Talk: Why Does History Really Matter?

The Isolated China Myth

We all “know” interesting stuff about the past, but some of what we think we know are myths, not facts. Historical myths cloud the landscape of the past and make it easier for influential people in the present to lead us astray. I’m going to “bust” one history myth, that China was isolated from the world. I will share historical evidence you can use to teach your students that China actually was always integrated with its neighbors, and with its demand for silver created the global economy in the sixteenth century.

About Sharon
With her graduate training in East Asian Studies to guide her, Sharon Cohen enjoys teaching IB History and AP World History at Springbrook High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. She wrote numerous world history curriculum units for the College Board, World History For Us All, World History Matters, and Bridging World History, and received the 2015 Pioneer in World History award from the World History Association. As a College Board consultant since 2001, she conducts AP World History workshops and summer institutes in the USA, Canada, Morocco, China, Korea, and France.


OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies
August 5-7, 2020

We’re all exploring ways to ensure our students’ learning – and our own – continues to advance. Our new professional development conference for social studies can help meet those needs.


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